What is HEAP?
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps low-income people pay the cost of heating their homes.
If you are eligible, you may receive one regular HEAP benefit per program year to help you pay for heating your home.

Eligibility and benefits are based on:
Household Size,
The primary heating source, and
The presence of a household member who is under the age of 6, age 60 or older or permanently disabled.
You may be eligible for an emergency HEAP benefit if:
Your electricity is necessary for your heating system or thermostat to work and is either shut-off or scheduled to be shut off or
Your electric or natural gas heat is off or scheduled to be shut-off or
You are out of fuel, or you have less than one quarter tank of fuel oil, kerosene or propane or have less than a ten (10) day supply of wood, wood pellets, corn, or other deliverable heat source. and
Your income is at or below the current income guidelines as posted in the table below or you receive Family Assistance, Safety Net Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) or Code a Supplemental Security Income.
The heating and/or electric bill is in your name and
Your household's available resources are:
less than $2,000 if no member of your household is age 60 or older; or
less than $3,000 if any member of your household is age 60 or older.
Type of Emergency
Heat Related Domestic (electric service required to operate heat equipment)
Natural Gas Heat Only
Natural Gas Combined with Heat Related Domestic
Electric Heat Combined with Heat Related Domestic
Non-utility heating fuel (oil, kerosene, and propane)
Non-utility heating fuel (wood, pellets, coal, corn, etc.)
Emergency HEAP Benefit
The 2021-2022 Emergency benefit will be open January 3, 2022
If you are eligible, the Emergency HEAP Benefit can help you heat your home if you are in a heat or heat related emergency.
Emergency HEAP benefits and eligibility are based on:
available resources
the type of emergency
How do I apply for HEAP?
Questions regarding the HEAP program should be directed to your HEAP Local District Contact or the OTDA Hotline at 1-800-342-3009.